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آزمون آنلاین زبان انگلیسی 1 - درک مطلب (Reading Comprehension) | آزمون شماره 9643

تعداد سوالات:
5 سوال
درجه سختی آزمون:
تعداد شرکت کنندگان:
56 نفر
میانگین درصد شرکت کنندگان:
% 40
0 از 5 (از مجموع 0 نظر)
امتیاز دهید:

نظر شما درباره این مطلب چیست؟

0 از 5 (از مجموع 0 نظر)

به این مطلب امتیاز دهید!

از امتیاز شما سپاس‌گزاریم!

تعداد سوالات:
5 سوال
درجه سختی آزمون:
تعداد شرکت کنندگان:
56 نفر
میانگین درصد شرکت کنندگان:
% 40
آزمون آنلاین

این 5 تا سوال رو از این مبحث جواب بده و خودت رو امتحان کن!

In paragraph 3​, the word “prey” refers to ……… .

What is the best title for the passage?

A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group of students. Because most of them could not understand spoken English, he had to have a translator.

During the lecture, he told an amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow the translator to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when he did this in a few minutes, after which all the students laughed loudly.

After the lecture, the writer thanked the translator for his good work and then he said to him, “Now, tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short Japanese one.”

“I did not tell the story at all,” said the Japanese man with a smile.

“I just said this respectable man has just told a funny story. You will all laugh, please.”

According to the passage, … .

There is enough information in the passage to answer which of the following questions?

The passage would most probably continue with a discussion of which of the following?

1 از 5

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