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شرکت در آزمون آنلاین زبان انگلیسی 2 - درس دوم | آزمون شماره 5871

1- Although they were poor and not well-educated, their marriage produced four children with reasonably .......... personality admired by all people around.


I'm glad to see that my grandson has developed a(n) ......................... interest in history unlike his father. I have always loved to see someone in the family being interested in history like me!


Which of the following best describes the author`s view towards the reason for Jamshid`s sudden death?


Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision, such as ....... or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet.


John thinks going to the cinema isn't a bad idea, but he thinks that .......... is a better idea.

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