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شرکت در آزمون آنلاین زبان انگلیسی 2 - درس دوم | آزمون شماره 4520

1- Last Friday was a very beautiful day and I suggested …………....by the river in the middle of the forest. Some of my friends didn't accept it. They preferred to go to the cinema.

2- The doctor knows how to calm her down because he ........... a great deal of surgery since 1974.


You are spending too much time watching TV ! You'll become a couch potato if you don't ................. . Besides you won't have time studying your lessons.


According to the researches that have been recently conducted by scientists in the field of medicine, exercise can reduce the chance of heart disease. That's why I always tell my grandfather that ....................................... three times a week.


...................................... Sharon's favorite activity since she was five years old.



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