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شرکت در آزمون آنلاین زبان انگلیسی 2 - زبان انگلیسی 2 | آزمون شماره 5813


Living in London, even if the .......................... rate is better these days, is very expensive. Before you buy anything, you should go to several department stores to learn what range of prices and products are available.


Theresa’s voice, in the theatre, was even stronger, more … and clearer than we hoped to hear.


There are several reasons why women have a harder time losing weight than men. Some of these reasons are purely physical. A 275-pound person walking at two miles per hour burns 6.4 calories per minute, while a 150-pound person walking at the same speed burns only 3.5 calories per minute. Thus, men, being generally heavier, to begin with, can lose weight faster through exercise than women can. What’s more, even if they were the same weight, a man would still burn more calories than a woman doing the same amount of exercise. Why? Because a man’s body has a higher ratio of muscle to fat than a woman’s, and it takes more energy to push muscle around than fat. This may sound unlikely, but take my word for it! The more energy you use, the more calories you burn. So, a dieting exercising man sees results a lot sooner than a woman, considers his weight-reduction program more successful, and is more likely to stick with it. Men are also more likely to add extra exercise to a weight-loss program. Most weight-conscious men can be found working off those extra pounds in gyms and swimming pools, while women are likely to head for a more passive program in a diet clinic or at home.

The best title for this passage would be … .


This ....... says that people must turn off the cellphone.


....... people think he is stupid, but he's actually quite intelligent.

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