SMS notification and sending system:

A solution to facilitate and accelerate information to parents and students!

The Taraz system allows the school to send important news to students and their parents by sending SMS or using notification methods within the system. The possibility of sending a large number of SMS at the same time, guaranteeing the receipt of SMS by all contacts due to the use of the service line and sending messages in a group and private manner, are among the features of this system.

Advantages of Taraz notification and SMS system:

The possibility of notification through SMS and messaging within the system

Ability to send a large number of SMS at the same time

Guaranteed receipt of SMS by all contacts

Using a service line instead of advertising lines to send SMS

The possibility of sending messages in group and private

The possibility of informing by class, grade, group, parents and students

The possibility of sending files and voice messages through the system's messenger


What does the Taraz SMS and notification system do for you?

Ability to send SMS to high numbers:

Taraz messaging and notification system allows schools to easily communicate with students and their parents using modern communication methods. One of the advantages of using the Taraz system is the ability to send a large number of SMS at the same time.


Using service lines in sending SMS:

By using the service line and sending messages in a group and private way, Taraz provides the guarantee of receiving SMS by all contacts. Therefore, school officials do not need to service their SMS lines and prove that their messages are not advertising.

Notification by SMS:

One of the methods of informing and transferring information in the Taraz system is sending SMS. School officials can use SMS to send things such as educational, cultural and sports announcements, grades, disciplinary issues and automatic notifications related to tuition payment, food reservations and transportation services.


Notification through the messenger in the system:

In the Taraz notification system, in addition to sending SMS, it is also possible to use the section of sending messages from within the system. School officials can use this section to send notifications, files and voice messages to all users by class, grade, group, parents and students.

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Frequently asked questions about the Taraz notification and SMS system:

no There is no need to master any special hardware or software to use the Taraz notification and texting system at school. This system is available online and can be run on various devices including computers, phones, laptops and tablets.

Yes, by using the SMS sending section of Taraz notification system, it is possible to send SMS to all contacts at the same time. This possibility is due to the use of service lines instead of advertising lines, which guarantees that all contacts receive the message.

Yes, by using the message sending section from within the system, it is possible to send notifications, files and voice messages to all users by class, grade, group, parents and students.